Keep up with the latest news from
Inter City Logistics.

Bottling It
Check out our new Inter City branded reusable water bottles. Helping our team live more sustainably and healthily in their daily lives.

New Team Members
We would like to formally introduce you to our two newest employees. Benny is our new Operations Assistant. Benny is exuberant, with a passion to

Infused to the next Level
After an amazing 3 years working with Infusion, we have watched our leadership team present their personal growth journeys, seeing the true emotion in their

FORS Bronze achieved again
We’re pleased to announce that Inter City Logistics has once again passed the FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) for Bronze. Congratulations to every member of

Racking Installed
Inter City Logistics are racking up the likes with this new installation at our Stoke-on-Trent Depot. Get in touch with any storage requirements you have.